Monday, May 21, 2012

Frog Lovey: Winner

The winner of the Frog Lovey Naming Contest is
 Deanna Wilcox with Froggle
You have until May 31 to place your order to receive your 50% off discount for winning.

Honorable Mentions: 
Fribbit (from Fribble): Jami Lee Boguslaw
Tad: Jami Steimle
Frogley: Kassi Hill
Dapylil (lilypad backwards): Shannon Brockway
Wibbit Wubby:  Amy Peterson Nation

You will all receive 25% off your next order.  Please place your order by May 31 to receive your discount!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Newborn Photography Partner Search: WINNERS!!

I cannot express how grateful I am to have so many wonderful photographers vying for the opportunity to work with me!  This was a very hard decisions for the judges and I, but I am glad to say we have made some amazing choices!

My Personal Favorite: 
Three Treasures Photography 
out of Richmond Hill, Ontario

Judges' Pick:
TLC Photography
out of Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany

Fan Favorite:
Jolie Moore Photography
out of Burlington, Kentucky

BUT WAIT!!!!  There's more....

This decision was soooo difficult that I decided to name some honorable mentions who will each receive one item to photograph for me.  Please contact me ASAP at with your mailing address, and I will ship something out to you as soon as I can.

Lastly, thank you all SO much for being a part of this.  I never thought this was going to be such an amazing success.  I am so very pleased.  I've decided that this will be a yearly competition so that I rotate my newborn photogs.  So keep in touch and watch for the announcement next year that the search has begun again!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Frog Lovey Name Poll: Help me Pick!

I'm having a very difficult time picking a winner of the Name Me: Frog Lovey contest. So I'm bringing it to a vote.

First, you should know that I loved a lot of names and they lead me to think of other names.  So I will share the person who gave me the idea for the name.  If that name is chosen, they will be the winner of 50% off, and if it is not, then they will be given honorable mentions even though it's not the original name they suggested.

Now please, only pick ONE of these.  And don't do it like a popularity contest..."I like the person who suggested 'such and such', so I'm voting for that name."  Please remember that I will be using this name from now on to represent that product, so I want it to really be the best name possible!

Choose your favorite name for the Frog Lovey!
 free polls 

Froggle: Deanna Wilcox
Fribbit (from Fribble): Jami Lee Boguslaw
Tad: Jami Steimle
Frogley: Kassi Hill
Dapylil (lilypad backwards): Shannon Brockway
Wibbit Wubby:  Amy Peterson Nation

You will all receive 25% off your next order.  The winner will receive 50% off their next order.  The winner will be announced Friday May 18th.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Name Me: Frog Lovey


Welcome the newest addition to my product line!  But it needs a name!  As you may have noticed, I like creative fun names for my creations. Please help me come up with something more interesting than just "Frog Lovey". Use your noggin!

CLICK ON THE PHOTO to bring you to the contest.  Then give me as many names as you can think of as a comment under the photo. Keep in mind that the lovey is gender neutral (for boys or girls) and can be made in any color, so make sure your name reflects that.

 The person with the winning name will receive 50% off their next order. Honorable mentions will receive 25% off their next order.

IMPORTANT: This promotion is in no way sposored by, affiliated with, or has anything to do with Facebook. As with any HBD promotion, you all have 10 days from the day name is announced to make your order with this special. Please note this discount may not be used in conjunction with any other offer and shipping is not included.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Get up to 30% off your next order!

I'll be announcing the winners to the newborn photographer search contest on May 15th....but if you are like me, the wait is KILLING you! So I decided we need a sale in the mean time! This sale will run from now until the winners are announced!

This offer is only good for items priced $10 or more and may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.

To order, use the link under my cover photo marked "Place an Order".

BONUS:  Mention this blog and get a $3 shipping credit!